Environmental, Social, and Governance efforts (ESG)

emagine's responsibility

We are dedicated to enhancing our environmental performance and have set ambitious goals to monitor progress for a brighter future. Our unwavering commitment lies in our accurate and transparent reporting.

Anders Gratte, CEO of emagine


Environmental, Social, and Governance Report (ESG)

At emagine, we are committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles into our business operations and corporate culture.  

Our ESG strategy serves as a guiding framework for sustainability initiatives, ensuring that we uphold the highest standards of responsibility and accountability in everything we do.


Corporate Social responsibility (CSR)

emagine has committed to aligning our strategy and business operations with UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD).

We constantly seek to reduce possible negative impact of our business operations on the environment while delivering a positive contribution to the well being of people around us.


Privacy policy

Data privacy policy and GDPR

emagine is committed and dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all employees, clients, consultants, and business partners. We do so with the highest respect and seriousness. The security of your data is our priority

Quality, environmental & health and safety policies

Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety policies

At emagine, we strive to protect the environment, reduce our environmental impact, and continually improve our environmental sustainability performance while prioritizing the health and safety of our employees, clients, and partners.

Code of Conduct

Business relationships

We expect all our business relationships (customers, suppliers , and consultants) to align their operations according to our Code of conduct

Here you will find our Code of Conduct for business relationships.


Share your thoughts with us

Even though we do our best to do the right things – we can still learn. We are therefore interested in hearing from you – either if you have praise, suggestions, or if we do not honor our commitments.